Questão: 2436 - Inglês - Banca: - Prova: - Data: 01/01/2023

Consider the following information about Geoffrey Chaucer’s most important work in English Literature:
Chaucer did not need to make a pilgrimage himself in order to meet the types of people that his fictitious pilgrimage includes, for most of them had long inhabited literature as well as life: the ideal knight, who had fought against the pagans in all the great battles of the last half- century; the Prioress without a vocation but with the dogs and jewelry that satirical literature was always condemning nuns for, the too-busy and too-rich lawyer and so on. One meets all these types in medieval literature, and, since literature imitates life, one might have met them also in medieval society, as Chaucer undoubtedly did. Indeed, it has been argued that in some of his portraits he is drawing real people, but the appearance of doing so is actually a function of his art, which is able to endow types with a reality we generally associate only with people we know. Chaucer achieves this effect largely by persuading us that his own interest lies only in the visible, in what actually met his eye on the pilgrimage. The rich suggestiveness of the details is what makes the portraits worth reading again and again.
Chaucer shows himself to be a rival of Shakespeare in the art of providing entertainment on the most primitive level, and at the same time, of significantly increasing the reader’s ability to comprehend reality.
Which work best represents the description above?

  • a
  • b
  • c
  • d
  • e
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